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Writer's pictureLivia Santos Germano

How to create narratives with high emotional potential with Stories

Images have the power to inspire, criticize, motivate and change perceptions. They can be a powerful branding and innovation tool that connects the consumer to the brand's intangible values ​​and can also be an effective internal tool that motivates the company's employees in a new vision or shared cause.

Given the abundance of images created daily, I wonder, what if images were used to co-create shared strategies and meaning? In my experience, I see that the innovation process is potentiated when it starts and is motivated by a personal purpose rather than merely the trigger of generating ideas.

When people visualize the purpose of their innovation intentions with images, they voluntarily co-create shared representations. By using Stories as a means of engagement, we create shared visual representations that reveal how we understand the world. These mental constructs encourage a common commitment to action, moving from individual leaders to leadership as a community. If we can harness the power of images to mobilize collective action, perhaps we can open up new ways of engaging people to transform existing situations into preferred ones.

For years, marketers have known about the potential of images to evoke emotions and influence behavior. The difference today is that the joy of creating has become democratized. If people are engaged when they capture, share and react to images, what opportunities do these behaviors open up for those who believe in the power of images to inspire, mobilize and even transform?

Intended for innovation, images can engage people by creating new shared meanings. The use of images for engagement and construction of more emotional and human narratives and strategies opens a new perspective of transformation. In today's context, where digital acceleration needs change while converging in a shared direction because meaning needs to be created with others, this approach can guide a new wave of leadership and change. By using images we can more easily bring human themes and emotions to the center of the conversation.

Using images to create shared meaning

To explore these questions, let's examine the fundamental pillars of human experience – meaning, cognition and community – and the role representation plays in each. Meaning is where it all begins. Psychologist Victor Frankl has exposed how meaning is a basic motivator of who we are as humans. Meaning gives us meaning in life, a purpose to enable us to overcome challenges. Images have always played an important role in meeting this need. For example, an image of a caregiver and child evokes the very significant concepts of family, parenthood, and even life. An image of a setting sun over a beach evokes a sense of tranquility, wonder and wonder of nature. Victor exposes the experience of meaning as a trigger for becoming “aware of what can be done about a given situation… and creatively changing the situation”.

With the multitude of external representations of our internal mental constructs available today, as exemplified by trillions of images online, the possibilities for meaning are also limitless. However, despite the constant challenge of communicating between immeasurable personal worlds, we humans are somehow able to satisfy our basic need to interact with others. In fact, we spend most of our time seeking shared understanding.

With that in mind, Sincera Space has inserted in the formatting of Stories a way on how we can engage people to co-create shared meaning and emotional connections through the use of images to build more meaningful narratives for brands.

Stories core

Both the cards with human themes and the cards with images have the function of stimulating and unleashing the creative potential in people, being also used as a means of communication and expression of ideas.

Whether in a strategy workshop, in a co-creation of new products or in a context of immersion and research with consumers, the Stories structure allows us to extract a high subjective and abstract potential from people, going beyond the surface, to have more conversations and reflections. deep and rich in emotional content.

When we reach this level, deeper and richer in meaning, we are able to leave the common place and direct conversations and constructions to more authentic and valuable territories, especially from the perspective of people.


Stories is the tool for creating meaningful narratives for brands. Through cards with images and human themes, they encourage the easy generation of narratives with high creative and emotional potential.


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